Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica
Turqle UK

Hot Drops - Lemon & Chilli Sauce - Ukuva iAfrica

Regular price £3.95 £0.00
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Lemon Hot Drops is made for seafood... and chicken. The flavours of lemon, garlic and green chilli predominate, supported by green herby notes.

Hot Drops are table sauces - best added to prepared food just before serving or at the table.

Green chilli flavours love olive oil and butter: Melt a little butter into a puddle of olive oil, slightly saute a clove of crushed garlic and add a splash of Hot Drops Lemon. This sauce will enchant grilled prawns, white fish or skinless chicken breasts, steamed green beans, mange tout peas, green asparagus and courgettes.

Need more ideas and inspiration? Click or scan or go to Turqle’s Food Book.

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